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Asuring Electrical Supply

Choosing de Magnetic Media

Making the Backup

Final Recommendation





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One of the heels of Aquilles who to them usually endilgar itself to the computer science systems, is apparent the little security that offer, by the simple fact to store the information in media that to our eyes are etéreo.

If we guided ourselves by our common sense it seems logical, and it is more, the old files would be more reliable than a rigid disk, but this is not more than a deceit.

The magnetic medias that the market offers are highly reliable, and if we used them in intelligent form, we will see that the results will be very positive.

The first point to consider is to use them, whereas the second is to use them well. Despite it, it considers that great part of this article will talk about the implementation of all necessary means, not to have necessity to resort to the backups.

In ahead we will analyze and give the basic lineamientos, to assure the information stored in the computer science systems its company.

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Assuring Electrical Supply:

Good part of the disadvantages appears as a result of the interruption of the electrical provision. Damaged bases, processes that means have left to do, made unusable impressions, lost of information to means to load, etc.

Luckyly the technology helps to us in these situations, clear it is that only if we make use of her at the suitable moment, and that moment is before the disadvantage appears.

For it it will be enough with in line installing a system of units of alternative provision. That they will be in charge to provide electricity from the same moment at which the habitual provision is interrupted.

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Choosing Magnetic Media:

Since several options with respect to magnetic media exist to use in the backups, it is important to by then know them in depth if, to choose most suitable for our necessities.

Basically the parameters to consider are two, the volume of information to endorse, and the time whereupon you count to make them. Based on them you will be able to decide correctly.

Next we will enumerate different magnetic medias, with its capacities of main storage, advantages and disadvantages.


They are the economic option, and for small volumes they give an acceptable result. The main disadvantage is its little reliability.


They store up to 100 Mb, and we could say that it is the modern diskette, have a reasonable cost and the trustworthiness is greater, as disadvantage we can indicate slowness.


Here we entered the great leagues, storing from 4 Gb, are fast and very reliable. Although its cost is higher than the previous ones, if we consider its benefits, are balance.

Removible Hard Disk

It is an intermediate option, that is quick and to an intermediate cost, has like disadvantage the incomodidad as large as the removibles units.

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Making the Backup:

The recommendable minimum frequency to assure the information, is of a daily backup.

Considering that when recovering a backup you return to the situation in which she was at the time of doing it, is to say that she will lose all the entered one from that moment to the present one, is important to do them frequently. Of there in more, it is left to his good criterion the frequency of backups chosen for his company.

In order to take ahead to the backup you will be able to choose to make it in manual form, or by means of programs created to the effect. Whereas the first option is but economic, second it will assure to him that the backups become in time and forms.

As general lineament we can suggest to him that it makes the backup in daily form, using different magnetic media for every day of the week. It is to say that p/e Mondays always will use the same disc game.

With it one will make sure that before the possible fault of an average one during the restoration, you will count on those of the previous days.

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Final Recommendation:

We hoped has noticed the importance of the backups, for the securing of the information that stores and uses its system.

If it does with the which had frequency, he will be calmer and before a possible disadvantage, it counts on the solution in its hands, and instead of which you sound, trompetas will do it by you.

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Last Update 10/05/2002 (ECR)

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