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Areas of Competition





When you need it, IASA Soluciones Informáticas is at your side !!



IASA Soluciones Informáticas account with a powerful platform of data processing, that sometimes is used by our users.

Habitually the hardware installed in the companies covers the normal necessities with processing, resorting to our service in those situations, in where the volume of information surpasses the installed capacity.

With it, we managed to alleviate the service load of its servants, resulting in one better operating performance of the habitual one of the users, to himself like diminishing the cost of hardware installed in our clients, who would only be necessary to solve conjunctural situations.

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Areas of Competition:

Our service covers several aspects as far as processing talks about. These are:

Processing of great volumes of data.

Emission of extensive information.

Image processing and sound.

Capture of data.


Data processing in emergency.

Storage of endorsements of information.

Obtaining of prohibitive information for the user.

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Last Update 10/05/2002 (ECR)

©2001 IASA Soluciones Informáticas. All rights reserved.