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What is the Computer science Piracy?

¿Por qué se Piratea en la Argentina?

Consequecies of Ilegal Software Use

Benefits of Legal Software

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What is the Computer science Piracy?:

The first point to determine with exactitude corresponds to the phrase Computer science Piracy (in ahead Piracy), by then yes, to be able to analyze the consequences of the same one.

We called Piracy to the action to copy or to install software without the express authorization of the developer that has conceived it.

We can distinguish four groups of behaviors with respect to the Piracy.

First it includes to that they copy software and later they obtain, selling it to inescrupulous or ignorantes users of the subject.

As second group we can distinguish to that they copy software in form hogareña and facilitate to its familiar surroundings or friendships.

In the third group we framed those user that installs software in a greater number of equipment than licenses which they have.

Finally the fourth group corresponds to those users who do not conceive the copy of software (Piracy) like a legal activity, and acquire original software.

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¿Porqué se Piratea en la Argentina?:

In principle because the Argentine legislation it did not anticipate such situation, and therefore it did not consider a crime.

In addition, in general conscience of the effort that means to take ahead a computer science project and the costs is not had that it involves, reason by which seems something ridiculous to pay by CD, that empty costs a insignificancia.

Lamentably a culture rooted in our society exists, which it does not consider to the developer like which it lives on his work, software.

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Consequences of Illegal Software Use:

The use of illegal software has consequences to the short, medium and long term.

In the short term we can locate the lack of suitable support, the impossibility to ask for improvements on the product that uses, the deficiency of software by an incorrect installation.

To medium term, we were with two situations, first corresponds to the user of illegal software that, in the best one of the cases will have to pay fines by the illegal use of software.

Whereas to the user who acquires the product in legal form, it as opposed to increases the cost to him of same as a result of the little supply of developer to a demand of software every greater time.

As corolario we can develop the worse one of the consequence, and this is in the long term. to follow in this situation, the investment in the computer science industry will be diminishing until levels that will make any project nonviable, still of little spread.

With which it will be extinguished, at least in our country, an industry with an enormous potential, that offers possibilities of personal accomplishment to an endless number of individuals.

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Benefits of Legal Software:

A great amount of benefits at the time of using legal software exists.

First it is to fulfill the Law, that now sanctions the illegal user.

In addition we can enumerate; technical support, guarantee of satisfaction of the acquired product, evolution of the tool that uses to newspaper, tranquillity to the knowledge that tomorrow when it needs it, will have to a suitable person to its side, and not to a mere copier of CD.

And what is still more important, to become aware calm of not to have harmed a resemblance, by a inescrupulosa attitude.

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Last Update 10/05/2002 (ECR)

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